Three members of our team organised the first school intervention in the 2-hour Italian class of the public high school Pierre et Marie Curie of Menton. The main goal was to deliver an introductory idea of what the mafia phenomenon is and to sensibilize the students on the theme. There exist numerous false myths and believes concerning the mafia, and the first that we wanted to deconstruct is related to a grammatical characteristic of the term mafia: it is singular. However, there does not exist such a thing as a monolithic entity named mafia. For instance, presentation started off with the illustration of the different types of mafias in Italy, their regional power, but also their national and international enormous influence. Moreover, the presentation focused on the main crimes that mafia members commit, emphasizing the fact that they cover a vast range of scopes. The last theme discussed concerned the various ways of fighting the mafia phenomenon. The whole presentation was structured in an interactive manner and with a constant reference to historical events. In the middle of the two hours, a didactic role game was conducted. According to the feedback given by the students, the interactive nature of the intervention was extremely appreciated, and the theme interested both those who had a basic knowledge of it and those who did not.