The fight against the mafia. The innocent victims of the mafia.
Read MoreMargaux Facchinelli, Giulia Vigoriti, Alexandre Birkle, Yohan Esanu and Sarah Kummer represent this year's conference pole! They are assigned the challenging task of organising 3 annual events for the student body and the city of Menton, researching and inviting guest speakers as well as taking care of the various logistics (e.g. transportation, housing, etc)!
Carolina Mohr, Valentine Menegazzo, Margherita Cordellini, Zhenguy Su, Tom Mansuy, Solenn Ravenel and Eleonora Gandini are part of our amazing formation pole! Their tasks will be to contact high schools on both the Italian and French side of the area and to coordinate with professors on how to inform and engage students on the topic!
Greta Murgia, Francesca Gamba and Azra Ersevik are part of the research pole! Their job is to research and write articles periodically. The aim is to have their articles published on the campus' newsletter as well as on French and Italian newspapers of the area. They are also in charge of the social media profile of the association.
President 2022-2023.
Vice-President 2022-2023.
Founder and president 2020-2021
I have always been curious and intrigued by the mafia and its functioning. After spending part of the summer of 2020 researching, I thought to create a student initiative once back in Menton to share my research and built a culture of legality here as well.
On the 17th of December, Comprendre La Mafia met several other European anti-mafia associations in Paris, in order to share ideas, feelings and projects within each other. Some online and some in presence, at the meeting there were representatives from Basta (Beligum), Eine Welt (Germany), DemainesLibres (France) and LiberaBologna (Italy) and Comprendre La Mafia (France). These associations are not only involved at a local level with the community in activities that include sensibilization, podcasts, social investigations, activities and workshops in schools, but they also collaborate together in the European project CHANCE, with the aim of passing anti-mafia legislations on a European level. The meeting allowed for the youth group of LiberaBologna, who had represented the University of Bologna in Paris for the previous week through the Group Europe, to share their past activities and future projects. This has the aim of raising a European and international conscience about mafia, and to initiate communication as well as projects between like-minded associations around Europe. Our association had the honour of attending the meeting and is at the moment engaged in creating and promoting collaborations with the anti-mafia organizations.
Our association, in partnership with La Fabrique Politique, was delighted to announce its 1st conference on 21 Nov 2021, at 18.30! With Tommaso Giurati as guest speaker- one of the most knowledgeable and engaged figures at the French and European levels on the fight against mafia - the audience will delve into the complex thematic of the mafia, whether it even exists today, whether there is one in Menton, how organised crime is organised and structured. As Sciences Po students on the campus of Menton, the first French town after the Franco-Italian border and close to Ventimiglia, live in a critical area for migration and an area very concerned by the actions of the Ndrangheta (calabrese mafia), it is crucial for us to be aware of the phenomenon of the mafia.
Intervention in Italian, in Italy!
Three members of our team presented a 2nd intervention in the public high school Pierre et Marie Curie of Menton. The theme was "Mafia and Globalization"! They concluded their intervention with an online quiz on Kahoot that was welcomed with a lot of enthusiasm by the students!
Three members of our team organised the first school intervention in the 2-hour Italian class of the public high school Pierre et Marie Curie of Menton. The main goal was to deliver an introductory idea of what the mafia phenomenon is and to sensibilize the students on the theme. There exist numerous false myths and believes concerning the mafia, and the first that we wanted to deconstruct is related to a grammatical characteristic of the term mafia: it is singular. However, there does not exist such a thing as a monolithic entity named mafia. For instance, presentation started off with the illustration of the different types of mafias in Italy, their regional power, but also their national and international enormous influence. Moreover, the presentation focused on the main crimes that mafia members commit, emphasizing the fact that they cover a vast range of scopes. The last theme discussed concerned the various ways of fighting the mafia phenomenon. The whole presentation was structured in an interactive manner and with a constant reference to historical events. In the middle of the two hours, a didactic role game was conducted. According to the feedback given by the students, the interactive nature of the intervention was extremely appreciated, and the theme interested both those who had a basic knowledge of it and those who did not.
For the 1st year field experience of the parcours civique, Francesca and Issey worked together for Libera in Imperia, Italy. The slogan of the association is: "Libera: Associations, names and numbers against the mafias".
Read MoreOuvert à tous !! En collaboration avec: Libera, DeMains Libres, Crim’HALT, Sciences polémiques, la Fabrique politique, l'administration de Sciences Po campus de Menton, EnvironneMenton et le Bureau Des Arts.
Learn More18/02/2021After the six informative sessions establishing a reflective path to understand the Mafia, the students who have taken part in the student initiative will exhibit, in the city of Menton, various collages, representing what they have understood and want to transmit to the city, as well as honoring innocent victims of the Mafia.
21/03/2021The fight against the mafia. The innocent victims of the mafia.
Read MoreA global phenomenon, with special focus on the Mediterranean.
Read MoreIntroduction. Definitions. Origins.
Read MoreAfter a few months of formative sessions, the students of Sciences Po Menton will create art pieces to remember the innocent victims of the mafia. These will be exhibited on the Sciences Po campus of Menton as to raise awarness on the issue of the mafia as well as honor the innocent victims of the mafia. For this reason the exhibit will open on March 21, national day of remembrance in Italy for the innocent victims of the mafia. Students will also put a name of a victim outside their windown on Sunday as to raise even more awareness.
Cette conférence abordera le thème "Comprendre la mafia: stéréotypes et définitions". De nombreux experts de la mafia, allant des artistes aux professeurs universitaires, et aux procureurs pénaux, partageront avec nous leur expérience et leur expertise uniques sur ce sujet pertinent. Cette occasion servira également au lancement de la première branche mentonnaise de Libera, une association civile de lutte contre la mafia. Cette conférence aura lieu le jeudi 18 février de 17h30 à 20h30 à la fois en personne sur notre campus (si la situation sanitaire le permet) et en ligne, diffusée directement via cet événement Facebook. En collaboration avec: Libera, DeMains Libres, Crim’HALT, Sciences polémiques, la Fabrique politique, l'administration de Sciences Po campus de Menton, EnvironneMenton et le Bureau Des Arts.